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Advertising has evolved. No longer is it restricted to print publications, static billboards, radio, and television. Modern technologies have opened the door to a whole new era of advertising–digital advertising. Digital advertising allows marketers and advertisers to reach and appeal to their core audiences in new ways and with more precision.The challenge of meeting the modern buyer’s expectation of a continuous, cross-channel, and personal experience is met with new ad technology and innovations that continue to advance at break-neck speeds. New ad technology platforms, types of ads, methods of tracking, dynamic ad content, and advances such as the Internet of Things now provide endless opportunities for marketers and advertisers to engage their customers personally and across channels.Digital advertising is the tactic of leveraging the internet and its properties to deliver promotional ads to consumers on various channels.

Like it’s predecessor—traditional advertising—a digital ad can help tell the story of your brand. Unlike
traditional advertising, digital advertising is more universal and flexible, enabling you to tell your brand story on the channels that your buyers frequent—through text, images, video, and more.

Digital advertising has evolved considerably since the first clickable ad hit the internet in 1994. Today,
instead of advertising creating noise that distracts from the content your buyers want to read, digital
advertising can be part of an ongoing conversation that your brand has with its customers.

Digital ads are everywhere. They can be seen on the websites your buyer visits, on her mobile phone,
on social media channels, and on her smart watch. Because DEFINING DIGITAL ADVERTISING. Advertising proliferates across so many channels, including very personal channels, you need to be
more cognizant than ever before about providing useful, engaging content. Luckily, due to behavioral
targeting technologies and platforms like marketing automation, these continuous conversations are
possible. And by leveraging these technologies at scale, you can nurture your buyers in a very
personalized way until they are ready to become customers.

As marketers, we may feel like we have come a long way with digital advertising, but we are still in the early stages. With digital advertising continuing to gain momentum, it is more vital than ever before to make it an integral part of your holistic marketing mix.

Need help putting all of these mediums together? Give us a call at 888-374-0555 to begin discussing your digital marketing and digital advertising strategy

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